• 1 lb of ground pork (can use 1/2 turkey and 1/2 pork, if desired)
  • 1 medium chopped onion
  • 1 small carrot – cubed
  • ½ cup green peas
  • 11 small baking potato – cubed
  • ½ cup raisins
  • 1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce – (Measure out that amount then pour half and taste— always cook to taste – you can add more as needed.)
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • ¾ cup beef broth
  • 3 tablespoon cooking oil – heat on stove
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Egg wash

  • 1 egg white only
  • 2 tablespoons milk.


Pastry Shell

  • I use Pillsbury Pie Crust that is in the cold case in grocery store.  Usually by the cheeses.  Gives you two crusts and works great!!

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  • Prepare pork filling in a cooking pot, adding pork to the heated oil
  • Add chopped onions – Stir and continue to cook until onion is soft
  • Add raisins, Worcestershire Sauce, and beef broth
  • Cover pot and cook for 10-12 minutes
  • Add carrots, peas, and potato
  • Cover and cook for 5-8 minutes – If needed add more broth
  • put brown sugar into the pot and season with salt and ground beef
  • Stir and cook for 1 minute – Taste


Preheat over for 400F


  • Flatten out the two pie crusts – on a cutting board or surface
  • Using a large glass or small bowl – depending on the size you want the Empanada as it will be folded in half
  • Cur as many as the dough will give you and set aside



  • Assemble the pork empanada by placing two tablespoons (or whatever your circular dough can take) in the center of the dough
  • Secure by folding both sides of the dough towards each other
  • Using thumb and index finder pinch together – It will come easy once you start, I promise
  • Take egg wash and with small brush, brush tops of Empanadas
  • Bake for about 10-12 minutes – as meat is cooked you just want the pastry to be brown


Serve with side of any additional meat sauce or just plain as they should be juicy from the meat mixture.  They are a perfect appetizer or main meal!  Enjoy with thoughts of sitting on the beach in Marbella, Spain!